Sound Journeys, Workshops & Consultation

Sound Journeys

 Private Sound Journeys on Location

Starting at $850 
90 minutes, including an introduction
Note: Not all locations are optimal for a Sound Journey. Please enquire.

Private Sound Journeys at our Home

From $375 for a group <6 persons 
90 minutes, including an introduction
Couples $375

Private Specialty Sound Journeys Over a 2-Day Period

2 x 90 minutes, includes an introduction
At our home
From $700 for a group <6 persons
Note: Potential for on-location options. Please enquire.

Available 2-Day Sound Journeys

Yin/Yang Sound Journeys
Purification and Rebalancing Sound Journeys


From $900 <6 persons
Each additional person $100
Maximum of 10 participants
Location: Our home
3 hrs

Private hands-on workshop subjects available include:

                • Private Introduction to Sound healing through Crystal Singing bowls
                • Introduction to Sound Healing
                • Introduction to Sound healing through Gongs
                • Intermediate workshop on Crystal Singing Bowls
                • Intermediate workshop on Gongs
                • Advanced workshop on Crystal singing bowls
                • Advanced workshop on Gongs
                • Private workshops on Sound
                • Navigating Pain in meditation through the Sound of Gongs

Bowl Consultation

60 minutes: $80
Note: Fee will be refunded if a bowl or lyre is purchased.